“Be a Hearer of God’s Word & Doer (James 1:22) - you can Refine & Master the Skill - Practice makes Perfection - Faith with Corresponding Action is Full of Power - When Prompted by the Holy Spirit”
Holy Spirit Led Speaking / Encounter Engagements you can book.
Highlights Include:
*God is not done with you.
*You can breakthrough the course of this world - do the will of God and show Jesus Love everywhere.
*Testimony from Ryan - how satanic forces were sent to destroy his life - but at his darkest hour and with Christ’s help - he overcame by the Blood of Jesus and the Word of His testimony - he made it through the 4th watch (the darkest part of the night) - (Matthew 14:25) - Encouragement - Don’t give up.
*When we decrease - Jesus Increases - John 3:30 - We can do greater works because Jesus goes to the Father - John 14:12
*The Angelic can perform God’s Word / Holy Wind
*Holy Spirit directed services are to proclaim the Good News, deliver the sent Word, Impartation, implantation, and Mighty Deeds - as the Lord Leads - so God can be magnified.
Revival Definition - An improvement in the condition or strength of something - that was physically or spiritually dead. And its How you Walk after that Revival - Living by Faith after is a lifestyle.
Acts 3:19 - (Amplified) - So repent [change your inner self—your old way of thinking, regret past sins] and return [to God—seek His purpose for your life], so that your sins may be wiped away [blotted out, completely erased], so that times of refreshing may come from the Presence of the Lord [restoring you like a cool wind on a hot day].
A transformation occurs when God is first place in one’s life. (Revelation 2:4)
Ryan likes to facilitate a hungry spiritual conducent environment - where faith can rise up - A manifestation of God’s presence can fall in that place - allowing God to be made known in the land.
Its all about Jesus and God receives all the Praise, Glory and Honor.
**Introducing Kings-Studio ‘A Samuel School’ - Holy Spirit Coaching / Workshops / Labs / Spiritual Analysis & Fortification - Presently on Pause to Build 5-Fire Association, Center & Missions.
*Develop your gift - Specializing in Gift Recognition / Upgrades, Enhancements - Street Ministry Training - Encouragement - Dream Big - as the Lord leads - so God can be magnified.
*Its not supposed to be them living - but Christ living through them - Galatians 2:20.
*Holy Spirit Directed Manuscripts & Books from Kingsmount / Virtual Revelation Sessions can be booked.
*Biblical Study / Training products for the passionate believer of Jesus Christ to maintain the In-Christ breakthrough state.
*Increase Dunamis by receiving Holy Spirit Fire.
*Impartation of Spiritual Gifts Upon the Lords Command.
Kings-Studio Brantford, Ontario. Canada. Encouragement, Spiritual Analysis, Upgrades, Enhancements and More - As the Holy Spirit Leads - Permits.
*FIRE SCROLL COURSE - An Advanced Holy Spirit Led Course for the born-again believer who wants breakthrough revelation knowledge at a Solid Word level. This course teaches the passionate believer in Jesus Christ how to maintain the breakthrough state by this step-by-step Holy Spirit directed Fire Scroll training Course. Re-Kindle your passion for God. The Holy Spirit Led disciple can perform the will of God on earth in a powerful, sharp, and refined by fire way - Humbly showing Jesus love everywhere when prompted. (Do Good Everywhere) God is magnified.
*Become a burning - purged vessel of honor fit for His use - to humbly perform special mighty deeds for Him.
*Share the good news - that Jesus rose from the dead for you and me - in a fresh - Dynamic way - new strategies.
*Don’t fight the course of this world - get in the River and flow with it by the Holy Spirit - Get a Holy Schematic from the treasury of Christ - write your vision down then go with it.
*Its All about Jesus - Be a highly tuned delivery person for Christ.
*New strategies to Love your neighbour as yourself. (Luke 12:21)
*Use your Faith / the Word of God as a tool - have powerful faith endeavors form in your spirit man - this is possible from the INCHRIST breakthrough state.
*Re-develop your first love relationship with God - through His son Jesus Christ - truly abide in Him - get back on the strait and narrow path. Get trained up today to show yourself a workman approved by Him - performing Jesus Love by doing the will of God concisely, powerfully, and effectively.
*Teaching about the Lion of Judah - how Christ in you the Hope of Glory can dominate your life and truly shepherd you.
*Key Holy Spirit Fire Products - Kindly visit our Fire-Store.
A Humbling Meditative Prayer Encounter for Holy Spirit Led Believers
*The Target - Boost / Enhance the weary or stagnant believer, disciple and / or taking the advanced minister to a higher plateau. (Facilitated by Ryan) Return from the mountain in Full Power / fire to humbly show Jesus love everywhere - so God can be magnified. Christ in you the hope of glory.
Highlights Include:
*Experience a powerful advanced Holy Spirit led training / meditative encounter for Holy Spirit Led believers. Plain & Exotic Locations.
*An Encounter with Jesus Christ the risen Lord on a Holy Spirit selected mountaintop. Limit is 12 persons per event. (Christ in You - the Hope of Glory)
*This Holy Spirit encounter on a carefully selected mountain location upon the guidance of the Holy Spirit is a Power packed advanced meditative charismatic prayer session event that's purpose is to spiritually boost / enhance the stagnant / weary believer or minister - for those who need a powerful God encounter to help maintain the bonded INCHRIST breakthrough state. God is magnified.
*Return from the mountain in Full Power - Holy Spirit fire to humbly show God’s love / compassion everywhere - re-invigorated to perform the will of God on the earth. (Do good everywhere - love the community)
*Its all About Jesus - This Enriching Encounter with the King of Kings - transforms the believer.
The Great Commission:
Jesus Command to spread the gospel to the whole world - Matthew 28:19-20:
“But the eleven disciples proceeded to Galilee, to the mountain which Jesus had designated. When they saw Him, they worshipped Him; but some were doubtful. And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you. And lo, I am with you always, even to the very end of the age”
God receives all the Praise, Glory and Honor - Praise the King
Kingsmount Ministries - Equip Saints & Dream Big
Equipping Purged Burning Vessels of Honor Fit for Jesus Use - 2 Timothy 2:21