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There are no upcoming events at this time.
Powerful Holy Spirit Led Speaking Engagements you can book.
A Holy Spirit Event
God is not done with you
*Testimony from Ryan - how satanic forces were sent to destroy his life but with Gods help - he overcame by the Blood of Jesus and the Word of His testimony – He made it through the 4th watch. (the darkest part of the night) - Matthew 14:25.
*Encouragement - Don’t Give up.
He is passionate about teaching how to breakthrough into the In-Christ state - That Christ the King of Glory, the Lion of Judah is living on the inside of the believer - All things are possible through Christ who strengthens us. Get in the river and from within breaks through springs of living water. God is magnified.
*When we decrease - Jesus Increases - John 3:30 - We can do greater works because Jesus goes to the Father - John 14:12
*An Army of the Angelic can help perform God’s Word / Holy Wind
*Holy Spirit directed services are to humbly proclaim the Good News, Deliver the sent Word, impartation, implantation, encouragement, and Mighty Deeds - as the Lord Leads - so God can be magnified.
Revival Definition – An improvement in the condition or strength of something - that was physically or spiritually dead. And its How you Walk after that Revival - Living by Faith is a lifestyle.
Acts 3:19 - (Amplified) - So repent [change your inner self—your old way of thinking, regret past sins] and return [to God—seek His purpose for your life], so that your sins may be wiped away [blotted out, completely erased], so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord [restoring you like a cool wind on a hot day]
A transformation occurs when God is first place in one’s life.
Ryan likes to facilitate a hungry spiritual conducent environment - where faith rise’s up - A manifestation of God’s presence can Happen in that place - allowing God to be made known in the land.
Its All About Jesus and God receives all the Praise, Glory and Honor.
For more information or to book this Holy Ghost Encounter - kindly contact us through the contact form on this website.
*Has confirmation in your spirit that God wants this speaking event or wants you at the event
*Wants to hear the Good news proclaimed - that Jesus rose from the dead for you and me - John 3:16 - Whosoever believes in Jesus will not perish but have eternal life
*Believes in the whole council of scriptures from genesis to revelation - allowing the 9 gifts of the Holy Spirit / ministry gifts and their operation with happenings
*Believes in the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit - Matthew 28:19
*Is open to church revival / fire & flow of the Holy Spirit / stirring things up / wants to see God be magnified
*People that are ready can receive the Holy Spirit by the laying of hands at the appointed time
*Is open to testimony of Jesus
*Believes all things are possible through Christ & wants Holy Spirit led fellowship
*Believes that if we lay hands on the sick - they can recover
*If you haven’t received the baptism of the Holy Spirit - you could receive this here by faith (if you are ready and it’s the appointed time)
*Prepares for the event by increasing their faith (Don’t stop believing) - by reading or hearing the scriptures to maximize what God wants to do - believing for the miraculous
*Binds tradition - Mark 7:13 - Tradition makes the Word of God no effect
*Wants a Holy Spirit God encounter with the King of Kings, Lord of Lords / King of Glory
*Is open to impartation of the Word & Spirit / signs / wonders and believes for the miraculous
*Is open to the angelic who can perform God’s Word (Not masquerading fallen Angels)
*Worships God in Spirit and in truth
Kingsmount Ministries - Equip Saints & Dream Big -
Equipping Purged Burning Vessels of Honor Fit for Jesus Use - 2 Timothy 2:21