LOCATION APPOINTMENT - Pending Christ’s Location & Hour
A Humbling Meditative Prayer Encounter for Holy Spirit Led Believers
*12 Holy Spirit Led Believers per Mountain Encounter - a powerful advanced Holy Spirit Encounter. Return from the mountain in full power and fire to show Jesus’s love / compassion everywhere. Its all about Jesus and God receives all the praise, glory, and honor - Praise the King.
The Truth is - with mountain moving Faith / Jesus Christ / The Holy Spirit living on the inside and you are connected to the Father - you can dissolve any mountain in your life……this encounter is not for everyone but for those who are prompted by the Holy Spirit - there’s activity in your spirit man - an inner witness that it is the appointed time for you to step out in faith and witness the burning mountain encounter.
This Holy Spirit ministry session / encounter with Christ - (Christ in you the Hope of Glory) - on a Holy Spirit selected mountain at the appointed time. (Facilitated by Ryan) The location is chosen upon the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Ryan is not Jesus…. but he wants you to get the revelation of Christ in you the hope of Glory - the Lion from the tribe of Judah, that the King of Kings resides on the inside of every believer and your faith walk can be developed further….
This God event with the King of Kings is a Power packed advanced Charismatic meditative ministry session that's purpose is to spiritually boost/enhance the stagnant / weary believer / minister or for those who need a powerful God encounter - to take their Christian walk to a higher plateau - So God can be magnified. (Christ in you the hope of Glory)
All Burning Mountain ticket application submissions are to be in Two’s.
Mark 6:7 - And He summoned the Twelve and began to send them out in pairs and gave them authority….
Return from the mountain in Full Power of the Holy Spirit in fire - re-energized to perform His perfect and pleasing will of God by humbly showing God’s love everywhere. (Do good everywhere / Love thy neighbour as yourself)
MT. Bourgeau - Alberta, Canada - Oct 2021 - The Cloud
Limit 12 per Burning Mountain fire encounter.
Matthew 28:16-20 – But the eleven disciples proceeded to Galilee, to the mountain Jesus had designated. When they saw Him, they worshiped him; but some were doubtful. And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the Age.”
*Note - The 12 Original Apostles are not being replaced - They are sealed with God’s Special Status - as noted throughout scripture. See the New Jerusalem - Revelation 21:14 - And the wall of the city had twelve foundation stones, and on them were the twelve names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb. This Specialty Ministry is simply doing what Jesus did by encouraging / empowering believers to carry on the Apostolic Ministry - Christ Centered - Equipping Humble Red-Buds in Full-Power - Christ in them the Hope of Glory - Colossians 1:27. Love is the Greatest - 1 Corinthians 13:13.
The Burning mountain God encounter is open for submission of application.
Disciples are personally accountable for their own travel, accommodation, food, insurance / medical, hike, safety surrounding this event - waiver sent.
This spiritually enhancing encounter Led by the Holy Spirit transforms the believer.
Drink from the water & wine on the mountain.
*You have confirmation & prompting in your spirit that the Holy Spirit wants you there at the appointment - obtain and submit the submission of application from the Fire-Store for review
*You want to take your Christian Holy Spirit walk to a higher plateau
*The current mountain selection will be hot - Are you conditioned to handle the heat? Only apply for the trek if you can handle the climate conditions at the burning Mountain.
*On the official designated mountain trail - there’s rough terrain. Only consider this faith endeavor if you are physically capable to handle its rigorous demands.
*You are a passionate born-again believer of God and has a personal relationship with Him - through His son Jesus Christ
*A weary or stagnant believer or minister of Christ who won’t give up - and wants a powerful Holy Spirit encounter with the King of Kings at this re-energizing God event
*You believe in the whole council of the Holy Scriptures - Genesis to Revelation
*You have faith by words / actions - your spirit is open impartation / implantation of the Seed (Word) and Spirit
*You have already developed some of the characteristics of a true Christian disciple including - humble, slow to speak, loving, joyful, kind, compassionate, selfless, noble, upright and has a Holy fear of God (has the fruits of the Holy Spirit / righteousness currently in effect)
*Wants to be invaded by the Holy Spirit
*Is open to the 9 Gifts of the Holy Spirit / ministry gifts and other Holy Spirit effects / happenings
*Is open to the move of the Holy Spirit
*You already have a physical & spiritual training regimen in effect
*Have prepared spiritually / physically for this Holy Spirit Fire encounter
*Your body & temple are prepared for the high-altitude hikes / steep trails and terrains when applicable
*Has the ability to put the past behind them before going to this event - Luke 9:62 - But Jesus said to him, “No one, after putting his hand to the plow and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God”
*If you haven’t received the baptism of the Holy Spirit - you could receive this here by faith (if you are ready and it’s the appointed time)
*A responsible / accountable person - can stay in two’s - maintain proper lodging / safety / has the proper travel documents while at a foreign event
*Can travel to foreign lands with confidence - led by the Holy Spirit
*We recommend light fasting before the event - but you are responsible for all food & drink during the whole stay.
*Wants the fire of the Holy Ghost
Exodus 33:22 - And it will come about, while My glory is passing by, that I will put you in the cleft of the rock and cover you with My hand until I have passed by….
Psalm 91:1 - He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty….
Proverbs 18:10 - I am a strong tower…. The name of the Lord is a strong tower; The righteous run into it and is safe….
Psalm 24:1-6 - The earth is the Lords, and all it contains, The world, and those who dwell in it. For He has founded it upon the seas And established it upon the rivers. Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord? And who may stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who has not lifted up his soul to vanity And has not sworn deceitfully - He shall receive a blessing from the Lord And righteousness from the God of his salvation. This is the generation of those who seek Him, Who seek Your face - even Jacob.
Make the Travel Visit worthwhile: We recommend a 3-5-day personal travel holiday for you to see other local sites around this event.
Meditative Charismatic Prayer Session is in English Language / Holy Ghost.
This is a specialty charismatic bible study / prayer session with the Holy Spirit and Jesus Is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. (Christ in you the hope of Glory) (Facilitated by Ryan)
Upon acceptance of the application a detailed letter will be emailed with further documentation and a location hike map to the bible study / prayer session will be given. Liability waver sent.
Recommended hiking gear / insights / other pertinent information will be given on the acceptance letter. Kindly have your passport / travel documents in place beforehand - well in advance.
Other thoughts - Could your church sponsor you for this Encounter?
Kindly pray about your submission of application - have a peace and prompting before submission of application.
At Kingsmount - we are not providing any professional medical / training advice - we recommend you seek professional trained medical and training specialists personally to ensure you can handle the trek. Kingsmount can by no means be responsible for liability in anyway - during your travel to this charismatic meditative Holy Spirit session. Always use the official hiking trail.
*To obtain the Submission of Application from the FIRE STORE on this website. You must apply for submission of application in TWO’s - Accountability.
Previous Burning Mountain Encounters:
—Ice Fortress, Skaftafell, Iceland
—Mt. Bourgeau, Alberta, Canada
—Britton Hill, Florida, USA
Kingsmount Ministries - Equip Saints & Dream Big -
Equipping Purged Burning Vessels of Honor Fit for Jesus Use - 2 Timothy 2:21