LOOSE Future Time-Line Events - (Ryan’s Discerned Chronology)
—May 14, 1948 - Jews Re-Gathered before End days - See Ezekiel 37:1-14; Isaiah 66:8; Matthew 24 Fig Tree Parable (Israel)
—Travel & Knowledge increased in a unique generation preceding Christs Return - Daniel 12:4. Apex of Worldwide Aerospace Industry 1976 / Worldwide Web invented 1989 at CERN.
—The Gospel Preached to the Whole World - then the End times come - Matthew 24:14. Today Gospel being spread to all nations.
—Current Time - Israel - A Cup of Trembling Amongst the Nations - Zechariah 12:2
—Current Time - Covenant with Many on the World Table - Key - will be 7 years in duration - Daniel 9:27; Revelation 6:1-2
—Current Time - Explosion of Pestilence & other Mystery afflictions mentioned by Jesus - Increase of Famines & Earthquakes in ‘Diverse’ locations - Matthew 24:7; Daniel 12:4
—As in the days of Noah, so shall also the coming of the Son of Man (Jesus) be - Matthew 24:37; 2 Peter 3:6 (Noah’s Day was advanced like today - God deleted it - See Genesis Chapter 6)
—Soon - Gog / Magog Alliance Forms preceding Invasion of Israel “they Descend like a Storm” (Yahweh Brings them there like hooks in jaw to the mountains for the day of destruction - God Puts thoughts in the leader “Gog’s” mind, devise an evil plan and for a strategic land-bridge Spoil) - Ezekiel 37; 38 (SUPERNATURAL JUDGMENT - Torrential Rain, Blood, Confusion, Massive Earthquake Etc.)
—Harpazo (Taking Away of Saints by Christ) & Restrainer of the Anti-Christ Lifted - Plausible Timing at Gog/Magog Invasion - Bema Judgment & the Marriage Supper of the Lamb happens for Believers (In-Heaven) - 1 Thessalonians 4:17; 2 Thessalonians 2:1-7; 1 Corinthians 15:52; 2 Corinthians 12:2-4; Ezekiel 37 & 38; 2 Corinthians 5:10; Revelation 19:7-10
—With the Gog/Magog Alliance supernaturally defeated during the Gog/Magog War - A Huge Worldwide Power Vacuum happens - allowing Antichrist to Rise and take Land. The Whore Rides the Beast. Ezekiel 37; 38; Revelation 3; 13:1-11
--Soon – The 7-Year Covenant / Agreement with Many – An agreement with the “Antichrist”, “Israel”, and Many (International Community) – The Key is it is 7-Years in duration. The purpose of this period is for the Fulfillment of Bible Prophecy – God’s Plan – People alive at that time must choose who they will serve – Jesus Christ or the Anti-Christ – A Time where Jesus Said that if He didn’t come back – No Flesh would be saved – The Worst Time of Human suffering ever witnessed & will ever be. This Judgment Period is Like “Birth Pangs” – intensifying like Child-Birth in Chronological Order – Increasing intensity and supernatural in nature. These Supernatural Judgments are Worldwide and include the 7 Seals (The First 4 are called the 4 Horseman of the apocalypse) – it is said People hid in the Caves & Rocks away from Jesus “the one who sits on the Throne in heaven”. Its the Wrath of the Lamb (Jesus) / Yahweh’s Judgments. Daniel 9:27; Revelation 6:1; 12-17; Matthew 24:8; 22;
--Notably the 7 Seal Judgments are in the First 3.5 years of the 7 Years - Then the 7 Trumpets, Golden Censer, 7 Thunders & 7 Vial (Bowl) Judgments in the last 3.5 years (Time of Jacobs Trouble - Jeremiah 30:7) of the 7 Year Judgment Period. See Book of Revelation. Daniel 9:24-27; Jeremiah 30:7. The First Half of the Tribulation —The Earth Goes dark - Moon to Red, stars fall from heaven, all Beasts (Animals) attack men & women (even personal pets turn - Supernatural) - Matthew 24:29; Revelation 6:7-8
--The Antichrist Gains Momentum during the First 3.5 years – Then Midpoint - The Antichrist to receive a sword wound yet He lives (satanically healed) which mimics Christ Resurrection - Deceiving many - The Antichrist enters the Jews 3rd Temple and declares Himself to be God - Committing the “Abomination of Desolation” There - Satan Enters In and Possesses the Antichrist allowing him to usurp total control over the world at that point “devouring the world” - The Jewish Remnant flee into the Wilderness for to a place safe for 3.5 years - Prepared by God - Somewhere near the area of Petra - Matthew 24:8; 15; Revelation; 11:1-2; 13:1; Daniel 7:23; 9:27. Daniel 11:41 says “He (Antichrist) shall also enter the Glorious Land, and many countries shall be overthrown; but these shall escape from his hand: Edom, Moab, and the prominent people of Ammon.
—The 144 000 Jewish Witnesses are sealed by God near the beginning of the Tribulation Period and Protected before the earth is hurt - God would not leave the earth without a witness - These witnesses Evangelize the World - proclaim the Gospel that Jesus Died and rose from the dead for you and me - you can receive the free gift of Salvation for those who believe - Rev. 7:3; Romans 5:15-18; Ephesians 2:8-9
—2 Witness’s of Yahweh Appear in Jerusalem sometime near the beginning of the Tribulation Period - They Prophecy and Proclaim Yahweh’s special Message to the world for 3.5 years (only possible in this generation since invention of worldwide satellite / communications) - that Jesus is the Lord - Turn to God. These 2 special witnesses cannot be hurt in anyway - if someone tries to hurt them - that person will be hurt / killed in same manner. They have the power to shut up the heavens so it doesn’t rain during their prophecy - turn the waters to blood and strike the earth with every kind of plague - as often as they want - God allows them to be killed halfway through the tribulation period by the Antichrist - they raise from the dead 3.5 days later in front of the world and are taken to heaven in a cloud - Rev. Chapter 11. The Antichrist to receive a sword wound yet He lives (satanically healed) which mimics Christ Resurrection - Deceiving many - His kingdom devours the whole world - Rev. 13:14; Daniel 7:23
—The Antichrist & False Prophet Appear at the Beginning of the Tribulation Period - (Revelation 3; 13) - The Antichrist (son of perdition) is described as a stern, will-full king, who’s god is of fortresses (conquer through war) comes from the revived roman empire (Sea) - hell bent on world domination - He first plucks Conquers 3 Kingdoms (Daniel 7:8, Rev 13:1) - is possessed by satan midway through the tribulation - imitates Jesus the Messiah satanically. The False prophet is described as a Lamb with 2 Horns but speaks like a dragon - imitating the Holy Spirit satanically - The antichrist’s Right-hand man - eventually facilitating the Antichrist’s worship worldwide. The False Prophet is out of the Earth meaning all nations (The World Religion will be all nations) - colors include scarlet and purple - the new world religion - merges with Mystery Babylon - The Beast out of the Sea eventually turns Purple & Scarlet (Future Merged with Beast’s Kingdom/World Religion with Rome). The 10 Horns / 10 Kings of the Antichrist Kingdom receive crowns when it is fully manifested and are given power to rule with the antichrist for 1 Hour (a short space of time) - Lorded Power. John 17:12; Daniel 7:24; 8:23; 11:37; Revelation 12:1-10; 7-12; 11:7; 12:17; 13:1-11; 13:18; 17:4-18
—The Shaft Opens up in the Revived Roman Empire - Smoke, sky becomes dark and Demonic locusts proceed from the pit - torment the unsaved for 5 Months - Revelation 9:1-11
—The Antichrist & False Prophet - There’s a satanic anointing when they are together - Revelation 13:12 - The False Prophet (Beast out of the Earth) can call fire down from heaven and perform other false satanic signs & wonders in the presence of the Antichrist (Beast out of the Sea) - Revelation 13; 19:20
—The Image of the Beast is Erected and is satanically animated - the Men and Woman of the World Must worship it or be slain - The idol can Speak & Move - Revelation 13
—Angels of Yahweh Proclaim the Good News about Jesus and warn people not to take the Mark of the Beast - Revelation 13:7 & 14:6
—Mark of the Beast instituted - No one can buy or sell without the beasts mark, name or number of His name - equals - calculates to 666 - is the number of a man - taking the mark is a will-full decision and an act of worship of the Beast out of the Sea (The Anti-Christ) - The Mark is on the right hand or fore-head - Revelation 13:16
—Antichrist Kingdom Had Enveloped the whole world with 10 Horns / 10 Kings - They Gave their power and authority to the Beast (Antichrist) - Revelation 17:12-13
—Whore of Babylon is thrown off the Beast (10 Nation Kingdom of the Antichrist) & Burned up - Revelation 17:5
—2nd Return of Jesus Christ with innumerable Multitudes of His Saint’s at the Battle of Armageddon - 2 Thessalonians 2:8; Zechariah 12:10; Revelation 1:7; Revelation 19:11-16
—Christ Judges the Nations - Matthew 25:31-46
—The Antichrist & False Prophet are Thrown into the lake of Fire - Revelation 19:20-21 - Satan Bound for 1000 years - Revelation 20
—Great White Throne Judgment - Revelation 20:11-15
—1000 Years of Peace (Revelation 20:1-15) - Jesus Rules Israel / the Earth during this time. The Curse subsides and people live long ages (Isaiah 2:4; 42:1; Isaiah 11:6-9; 32:18)
—A New Heavens and a New Earth in Perfect Harmony with Yahweh, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit. No More Curse - Death Bloodshed or Disease - See Revelation 21.